The Board of Directors of Kinasao Lutheran Bible Camp is pleased to announce
Darin Felstrom as the next Executive Director of Kinasao.
Welcome darin!
The Board of Directors of Kinasao Lutheran Bible Camp is pleased to announce
Darin Felstrom as the next Executive Director of Kinasao.
Darin, along with his wife Anna and their children, Elsa, Trygve, and Stefan, have a long connection to Kinasao. Darin was first introduced to the camp in the spring of 1988 while on tour with a singing team from CLBI. Darin's camp experience began at Mulhurst Lutheran Bible Camp and Kuriakos in Alberta as a camper and then as a camp Counsellor and Office Administrator at Kuriakos. Darin and Anna were married at Camp Kinasao and became cabin owners in 2012. Darin has a great depth of knowledge from his studies where he has earned degrees in Political Science, Law, and a Masters of Divinity. Darin brings with him a wealth of youth ministry and summer camp experience from his work as Director of Outreach and Youth Leader at First Baptist Church, and his time at Mulhurst and Kuriakos. Darin has governance and administrative experience from his work with various boards and committees for the Saskatoon Inner-City Council of Churches, LuMinHoS, Carey Theological College,The Quest Christopher Lake, Egadz, Camp Kuriaks and Faith Lutheran Church Calgary among many others. The Kinasao Board of Directors is elated that Darin has agreed to join us in this new chapter at Kinasao. Darin will be starting as ED on April 20, 2020.